Wednesday, September 16, 2009


GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!


Hah gotcha. 

But seriously though, I'm so bored. 


m'I gniog ot lleps ym sdrow sdrawkcab won. Ahah yrt ot erugif tuo tahw m'I gniyas. I teb uoy t'nac. 

Try to figure that out =D 

They aren't just random letters if that's what your thinking. 

Oh, ok, so I'll tell a story now. So my coach is trying to change my stroke cause apparently I'm not "grabbing the water" enough... and he's standing there talking all obnoxious like and I'm thinking... "Really coach? Really? Don't be a rabid porcupine just tell me what to do!" 

Ugh.... he's like going on about how my elbow needs to be up and my arm needs to be down and I'm thinking like "Seriously, what am I? A Circ De Soleil performer or a swimmer?" 
I mean really. 

Haha if you're wondering where I got the awesome porcupine line it's from the best TV show on earth. 

Ahh... I love this show... so much hahaha =D 

Ok well I'm going to go now... bye! 


  1. Actually, it's not that hard. Here, I'll read it back:

    I'm going to spell my words backwards now. Haha, try to figure out what I'm saying. I bet you can't.

    I added the comma where it was needed. :P

  2. Lol I figured it out too. I once did this to one of my friends, pity they worked it out quicker than I did :P I was soo annoyed because it took them half the time to figure it out as it took me to write it!
    Well gotta go
    Katherine Alice

  3. Actaully, I thought reading the backward letters wasn't too difficult. Isn't it amazing how well our brains sometimes function?=~)

  4. Haha. Your hilarious.
    I figured it out:

    I'm going to spell my words backwards now. Haha, try to figure out what I'm saying. I bet you can't.



  5. Yo, how r u??
    U reli sound so bored....

    Anyhow, take care...

  6. Haha you guy make me feel so stupid. It took me a good five minutes to write that! haha


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